Lancaster Improv Players Code of Conduct

Lancaster Improv Players

Incident reporting information is included at the bottom of this page.

The LIP Code of Conduct document is required reading for every member of our community. It is seven pages and it is vital that everyone understands what is in it. LIP wants to ensure that everyone feels safe, welcomed, and accepted in its spaces and at its events. This document details how our community members and staff, at every level, are expected to treat each another. The Code of Conduct affirms the rights of each member of the LIP community, and also calls out behaviors that are unacceptable. These policies are in place to ensure we all understand that LIP is a space where everyone is welcome and free to create without fear of discrimination or harassment. We want everyone to know that their rights are protected, and that if any concerns are brought to us, they will be heard and responded to accordingly.

We require all our community members to acknowledge that they have received, read, and agreed to abide by this document.

As part of our efforts to ensure this Code of Conduct is current and reflects our commitments to our community, it was revised on January 15th, 2023. See below both a copy of the current Code of Conduct, as well as  a document highlighting all the changes between the current version and the previous version. Revisions were made purely from our commitment and belief in a safe community, and was not done in response to any incident.

Click here to review the Code of Conduct (version 01-15-2023) as a PDF.

Click here to review the changes made between the current (01-15-2023) version and the prior version.

To sign the Code of Conduct digitally, please complete the following Google form: LIP Code of Conduct Acknowledgement

Here’s some additional information and guidance for our coaches, teachers, and leaders within LIP. Click Here 

Incident Reporting

In the event that you have a report to file of a violation of the Code of Conduct, please use this form on SuggestionOx for reporting. SuggestionOx is a feedback portal that allows for a report to be submitted anonymously while still facilitating two-way communication between reporter and LIP’s Safety Compliance Officers, who facilitate any follow-up and investigation required.

Here is the reporting form through SuggestionOx

Reports can also be lodged through discussion or email with coaches, staff, the Safety Compliance Officers, and members of the Board of Directors. Whatever is most comfortable and accessible to you and brings the situation to our attention so we can find resolution is perfectly acceptable.

Our current Safety Compliance Officers are Joe Witmer and Shannon Maguire, if interested serving in one of these positions in the future, please reach out to any member of the Board of Directors for additional information.